jueves, 11 de junio de 2009

Buscando polymathics...(see 79) All seem of interest

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71. Cushan Rishathaim [Catastrophism & Ancient History Journal $]
... of the 15th century B.C. and the 40 years wandering in the wilderness would bring us to ca. 1410 or 1400 in round terms. We have no fixed date for the period of Joshua and the elders but if we allowed approximately a quarter of a century that would take us to about the time of the Amarna period, for the early period of the Judges, and the time for the oppressions of that book to begin. As the first of these Cushan could make a fairly good chronological fit as Tushratta. The linguistics, however, do not make for a very good fit even allowing for phonetic shifts. In addition to this Tushratta is not known to have been so militarily venturesome as to have ranged this far and wide from home base. Since we are dealing with an unknown quantity with respect to the length of the time period of Joshua and the elders, we might look a little farther along the line of kings in Mitanni to see if other candidates emerge from among them, Shortly before the Hittite king Shuppiluliuma brought an end to ...
Terms matched: 1 - Score: 8 - 05 Mar 2003 - 27k - URL: http://www.catastrophism.com/online/pubs/journals/cat-anc/vol1402/126cush.htm
... duration, why not also augment the forces of speciation? The direct linkage between genes and environment would become a kind of "driven" genetics in which active groups of genes are "switched on and off" by extraordinary environmental changes. This leads to something like metamorphic evolution: If butterflies do it today, why not other creatures under other conditions? Ninety percent of our genes don't seem to do anything. What are they waiting for? A full moon? Let's perform one more thought experiment with this conceptual chromatography. Modern linguistics postulates a development of language gradually over thousands of years. A band of "oral color" spreads out before the band of "written color". But the earliest expressions contained in this linguistic "spectrum" testify that both utterance and symbol were given all at once by the gods. In the beginning was the word, and it was both an audible and a visual emanation from a planetary deity. Perhaps a prior language was obliterated and forgotten in the wake of the terrors and traumas accompanying the "sacred word. ...
Terms matched: 1 - Score: 8 - 21 Mar 2007 - 33k - URL: http://www.kronia.com/thoth/ThotIV07.txt
... also loaned me a copy of Sachs' meticulously written script that Fate's Curtis G. Fuller had sent him in August 1965. Velikovsky had wanted to face Otto Neugebauer at Brown, but Sachs was enlisted when Neugebauer refused. My intention was to write an article about the debates at Brown. Velikovsky confronted a panel of four professors: Leon N. Cooper (physics), Bruno J. Giletti (geology), Charles Smiley (astronomy) and Abraham J. Sachs (history of mathematics), moderated by Henry Kucera (linguistics). In the event, Velikovsky debated the first three handily. He was stunned by Sachs whose address was both a rhetorical and substantive tour de force. Velikovsky's rebuttal began: "Dr. Sachs threw so many accusations in that Philippic of his that I am at a difficulty to answer; but I invite Dr. Sachs to spend the hour and a half tomorrow at the meeting, and every one of you too, and point by point each of his statements will be proven wrong." Unfortunately, Sachs did ...
Terms matched: 1 - Score: 8 - 05 Mar 2003 - 84k - URL: http://www.catastrophism.com/online/pubs/journals/aeon/vol0301/086potpo.htm
... . cit., pp. 112-113. 67. See Brundage, Ibid., p. 109. 68. Eric R. Wolf, Sons of the Shaking Earth (Chicago, 1959), p. 147. 69. Janis B. Alcorn, Huastec Ethnobotany (Austin, 1984). 70. Censorinus, quoted in Immanuel Velikovsky, Peoples of the Sea (New York, 1977), p. 216. 71. Cf. B. Stross, "Oppositional Pairing in Mesoamerican Divinatory Day Names", Anthropological Linguistics: 24 (1983), p. 257. 72. Pop, it might be added, sounds similar to Totontepec Mixe poo?p, "white", which takes on the significance of "new" in the Mixe expression poo?p hoohnt, "New Year" (cf. hoohnt, "year"). I have argued elsewhere the basis for supposing this sound coincidence to not be purely fortuitous (B. Stross, "Maya Hieroglyphic Writing and Mixe-Zoquean", Anthropological Linguistics: 24 (1982 ...
Terms matched: 1 - Score: 8 - 05 Mar 2003 - 53k - URL: http://www.catastrophism.com/online/pubs/journals/kronos/vol1201/025venus.htm
... methodological purity... this supposedly pure --i.e., value-free --work has always been strongly influenced by personal value-judgments, which with few exceptions have been supportive of the political status quo in the United States and have generally conveyed a false picture of political life in western democracies"(17). And when Noam Chomsky introduced the subjective dimension by insisting that linguists examine the infinite number of sentences humans can compose (rather than continuing with the classification of finite elements of human languages expected under the orthodox perspective), the definition of linguistics argued by the structural linguists, with its intense requirement for objective verification and exacting techniques for discoveries void of mental entities, could no longer persist (18). The escape from values which is exonerated by scientific impartiality means, in the appraisal by the anthropologist, A. L. Kroeber, that "we are refusing to deal with what has most meaning in particular cultures as well as in human culture seen as a whole.... And as a result, Kroeber continues, "What we have left on ...
Terms matched: 1 - Score: 8 - 05 Mar 2003 - 32k - URL: http://www.catastrophism.com/online/pubs/journals/pensee/ivr03/32velchl.htm
... peer or refereed process. This process has, indeed, been passed by my book. The book was refereed and passed for publication by the following individuals, who have permitted me to use their names in this regard: 1. Professor Lynn E. Rose, PhD, Professor of Philosophy at SUNY --Buffalo. Professor Rose has authored a book on Aristotle and is an editorial consultant for the Journal of the History of Philosophy. His evaluation is enclosed. 2. Roger W. Wescott, PhD, former Professor of Anthropology and Linguistics and Director of the Behavioral Science Program, Drew University. Professor Wescott is the author of four books and coauthor of over 30 other books. Professor Wescott now resides in...Connecticut. 3. C. J. Ransom, PhD. Dr. Ransom is a physicist who worked at General Dynamics and is the author of The Age of Velikovsky. He has published papers in Science, PENSÉE, and Cosmos& Chronos. His evaluation is enclosed. 4. Martin Sieff is a staff writer for the Washington Times and an ...
Terms matched: 1 - Score: 8 - 05 Mar 2003 - 51k - URL: http://www.catastrophism.com/online/pubs/journals/velikov/vol0202/journal.htm
77. Vox Popvli [Aeon Journal $]
... which Strickling appears to neglect. One of these is paleo-anatomy. According to Philip Lieberman of Brown University, the ape-like pharyngeal cavity of the "Classical" Neandertalers of Middle Paleolithic Europe would have prevented them from producing the vowels of contemporary languages and therefore from employing the vocables crucial to spoken language. While some phonologists reject Lieberman's reasoning here, no explorer of paleolinguistic realms can, I think, justifiably ignore the question raised about the linguistic capacities of fossil hominids. Another field of investigation relevant to language origins is pedoglossics, or developmental linguistics, the study of the processes by which children typically move from crying, cooing, and babbling to speech (or, in the case of deaf children, from gesticulation to formal sign-language). While Behaviorists and Transformationalists reach very different conclusions on the subject, their views deserve a hearing. And both groups have provided glossogonically useful data. A third related field is creolistics, the study of the pidgins and creoles developed by partially bilingual peoples. Since English itself may be interpreted as the creolized form of Anglo-Saxon spoken by Medieval ...
Terms matched: 1 - Score: 8 - 06 Mar 2003 - 28k - URL: http://www.catastrophism.com/online/pubs/journals/aeon/vol0404/005vox.htm
... to history) 4. anonymous saying (as opposed to personal quotation) 5. sacred poetry (as opposed to prosaic report)(10) Etymology itself is of two types- historic and prehistoric. Historic etymology deals exclusively with documented forms, which can be attested from written sources. Prehistoric etymology, on the other hand, deals, at least in part, with undocumented or unattested forms, which must be reconstructed in something of the same way in which prehistoric life-forms are reconstructed. While historical etymology is part of historical linguistics, prehistoric etymology is part of comparative linguistics, in that reconstructed words and other linguistic forms must be based on a comparison of the attested words and documented forms presumably derived from them.+ [+ An asterisk placed directly before a prehistoric form is conventionally employed by historical linguists and comparative philologists to designate an unattested but reconstructed word or morpheme) Linguistic comparison suggests that Greek muthos is derived by nominal suffixation, from a Proto-lndo-European stem *m(o)udh-, "to remember nostalgically, to pine for'' ...
Terms matched: 1 - Score: 8 - 05 Mar 2003 - 41k - URL: http://www.catastrophism.com/online/pubs/journals/kronos/vol0901/063aster.htm
... : Kronos Vol. IV No. 1 (Fall 1978) Home¦ Issue Contents Polymathics and Catastrophism: A Multidisciplinary Approach to Problems of Evolutionary Theory Roger W. Wescott The initially intended title of this essay was "Anthropology and Catastrophism". Being an unusually broad discipline, anthropology, though centered in the social studies, overlaps substantially into both the humanities and the life sciences. Moreover, it embraces several highly distinctive subdisciplines, of which the most widely recognized in America are: ethnology, prehistoric archeology, human biology, and linguistics. Nonetheless, broad as anthropology is, I soon found it too narrow to deal adequately with the subject of the role of global catastrophes in shaping the evolution of our planet, our forebears, and ourselves. For this reason, I have coined the term "polymathics" to designate the investigative field proper to polymaths, or simultaneous practitioners of a plurality of related disciplines. And, while I still have a relatively proprietary relationship to this neologism, I should like to take advantage of that situation by defining polymathics as a ...
Terms matched: 1 - Score: 8 - 05 Mar 2003 - 43k - URL: http://www.catastrophism.com/online/pubs/journals/kronos/vol0401/003poly.htm
... % because of doing more than one thing at one time, e. g. "No, I think we passed the restaurant; that was a good piece you did with O'Geoghan," or "Carter's foray into Iran was foredoomed; why did Dayton [author of a magnificent book on ancient ceramics and minerals waste so much time decrying the mentality of archaeologists?" Now what more would I have wanted to do? Talk to Bimson re opinion of natural disasters at Megiddo Dolby re ice ages Moore re poetry Lowery re linguistics Sieff re... James re... etc. etc. I am diverging and must return and repeat: the British and their magazine were more of a free association and farther removed from V .'s hulking figure. Hence it would be more likely that opposition should arise successfully there. First it happened when Euam Mackie, a proverbial tall dour Scot, a Glasgow Museum curator and co-founder of SIS, began to place monuments that were seemingly oriented to the present directions of the compass, such as Stonehenge, in ...
Terms matched: 1 - Score: 8 - 03 Apr 2004 - 58k - URL: http://www.quantavolution.org/vol_02/cosmicheretics_1_05.htm

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